Annamalai University, one of the largest unitary, teaching, and residential Universities in Southern Asia, The Department of Education provide ample opportunities for the B.Ed. teacher trainees for all round development of their personality and enable them to attain high level of skills and character needed for teacher. The Department offers training on Computers, training in Yoga, Scouts, First Aid and community service. The weekly activity of the Education Association encompasses soft skill development, socially relevant activity, music and sports. The teaching practice in schools under guidance and supervision of the faculty members is mandatory which provides hands on training. The teaching methodology adopted renders the trainees to face any competitive examination and instruction to the various levels.
Duration of the Programme - The duration of all the courses offered is two Academic Year – Full-Time
Age: No Age Limit
Qualifying Examinations and Eligibility
i.) The candidates should have undergone 10+2+3 (15) or 11+1+3 (15) pattern of study and passed qualifying examinations conducted by the respective State Board or CBSE or any other recognized Board of Education/ Examination and UG Degree Examination of the UGC Recognized Universities in any one of the school subjects offered by the Directorate of School Education at the Secondary / Higher Secondary Educational Level.
ii.) Candidates who have passed the UG or PG Degree in Open University System without qualifying in 11 years SSLC examination and 1 year of Pre-University Course (PUC) examination (or) 10+2 pattern of School Education examination shall not be considered for admission.
iii.) Candidates who have taken more than one main subject in Part-III /Part-IV under (Double/Triple major system) of the UG degree should have to choose only one of the main subjects and should have applied for that optional only. In such cases, mark obtained by the candidates in two/three major subjects shall be taken into account to arrive percentage of marks as stipulated in item(viii).
iv.) Candidates who have passed under Additional Degree Programme with less than three years duration are not eligible for admission.
v.) Candidates who have passed under Four year Dual Degree Programme with two major subjects under part-III are not eligible for admission.
vi.) Candidates who have qualified in PG Degree (Five Year Integrated Degree Programmes ) under 10+2+5 or 11+1+5 pattern of study shall be considered for admission in such cases, the marks obtained by the candidates in the PG shall be taken into account for admission to the B.Ed. Degree Programme.
More information log on to or download PROSPECTUS: 2015 – 16 (Information & Instructions to Candidates)
अन्नामलाई यूनिवर्सिटी तमिलनाडु
शिक्षण क्षेत्र में कैरियर बनाने के इक्षुक लोग तमिलनाडु की अन्नामलाई यूनिवर्सिटी में बी. एड. या एम. एड.कोर्सेज के लिए आवेदन कर सकते है एजुकेशन से जुड़े कोर्सेज करने के इच्छुक आवेदन कर सकते है अन्नामलाई यूनिवर्सिटी में बी. एड. या एम. एड.कोर्सेज आवेदन। यह दक्षिण भारत की एक जानी मानी यूनिवर्सिटी है जो रेगुलर कोर्सेस ही नहीं, बल्कि डिस्टेंस लर्निंग कोर्सेज के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं बी. एड. या एम. एड.कोर्सेज के लिए आवेदन के लिए आवेदन आमंत्रित है। अन्नामलाई यूनिवर्सिटी तमिलनाडु बी. एड. या एम. एड. प्रोग्राम के लिए सुनहरा अवसर प्रदान कर रहा है।
इसकी अंतिम तिथि - 17 अगस्त 2015
बी. एड. या एम. एड. कोर्सेज की अवधि - 2 साल
आवेदन कैसे करे - फार्म से डाउनलोड करें। इसे भरकर 1000 रूपए का डीडी The Registrar annamalai university के पक्ष में बनवाए। फॉर्म डीडी और प्रॉस्पेक्टस के बताये दस्तावेज 17 अगस्त 2015 तक भेंजे। बीएड के लिए ग्रेजुएशन जरुरी है। प्रवेश का आधार क्वालीफाइंग एग्जाम की मेरिट होगी।
अधिक जानकारी के लिए वेबसाइट पे लॉग इन करे